Transcript Requests
A high school transcript is a record of your academic accomplishments in high school. Transcripts are updated as courses are completed at the end of each semester.
Please select an option below for instructions on obtaining your transcript.
Transcript Request Options
Unofficial Transcript Requests
Official Transcript Requests Grades 9-11
Students in grades 9-11 should submit requests for official transcripts through Parchment. Transcripts are considered official if they are sent to a 3rd party directly from the school. Official transcripts are typically needed for college applications, scholarships, or other programs outside of GCA. Order status can be tracked directly through Parchment. Please reach out to your School Counselor if you need further assistance.
NOTE: Please select the "Order Records" button below to order Official Transcripts.
Questions? Contact your counselor:
Alumni Transcript Requests
Please Sign into your Parchment Account below before attempting to order a transcript.
- Grad/Leave year is defined as the year that you graduate or will graduate or the year that you withdrew from Georgia Cyber Academy.
Please take special care to add the correct year of the completion of your order may delayed.
- Students grades 9-12 may view their unofficial transcripts for FREE through their infinite Campus account. For full instructions on how to request transcripts, please visit Transcript Requests - Georgia Cyber Academy
- To be considered official, the transcript must be sent from GCA via Parchment* directly to the recipient (not to yourself)
- Transcripts for students grade 9-11 will only be processed if they are for scholarships or other outside programs.
- Students grade K-8 can view their grades in IC or request from the GCA records department.
- Alumni who graduated in 2015 or prior should fill out a Student Transcript Records Request on our website, Transcript Requests - Georgia Cyber Academy
- Parchment is only used for transcripts. If you have additional or supplemental materials that need to be sent to an institution or program, those will have to be mailed by you separately.
- Please allow 3-5 business days for a transcript request to be processed. Transcript requests are processed during regular school calendar work days. Closures for holidays, inclement weather, etc. will delay processing until the next regular workday.
Alumni who graduated in 2016 or beyond should submit requests for official transcripts through Parchment. Order status can be tracked directly through Parchment.
*Parchment Exchange is FERPA compliant and follows federal regulation for the privacy of educational records.
NOTE: Please select the "Order Records" button below to order Official Transcripts.
Alumni who graduated in 2015 or prior should fill out a Student Transcript Records Request at the link below.
Student Transcript Records Request