


Positive Behaviors Interventions & Supports

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, data-driven framework proven to reduce disciplinary incidents, increase a school’s sense of safety and support improved academic outcomes.  When implementing PBIS with fidelity, GCA is able to improve social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. PBIS also improves teacher health and wellbeing. The SOAR matrix has allowed GCA to implement PBIS into the virtual classroom. Through SOAR, students are being taught positive behavior strategies and expectations. When teachers model the expectations and implement the PBIS strategies, students soar as learners with less behaviors interrupting valuable class time.

Positive Behaviors Interventions and Behaviors (PBIS) Student Flyer

Select the download for an explanation of Student Positive Behaviors Intervention and Support. Continue below for S.O.A.R.: Safe, On Task, Awesome Attitude, Responsible Table.

Positive Behaviors Interventions and Behaviors Table for Students

SOAR: Safe, On Task, Awesome Attitude, Responsibile

What is PBIS?

  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support
  • Recognizes student behaviors identified as those leading to student success.
  • Fosters a positive learning environment for all students and staff.
  • Acknowledging students for positive behaviors.


  • PBIS Rewards is an engaging program used to acknowledge GCA students for their SOARing behavior.
  • Teachers are giving students points for their positive behaviors.
  • Student points are collective for all of their classes.
  • Students are able to use their points toward classroom store items.

How Can I Soar?

  • Show up to live classes on time and stay for the whole class.
  • Stay on GCA approved websites and tools.
  • Close any extra tabs not needed for class.
  • Be respectful to your peers and teacher.
  • Have a positive attitude.
  • Be active in the chat and come on camera.
  • Participate in breakout rooms.
  • Use the microphone and emojis as directed by teacher.
  • Complete assignments by the due date
  • Decrease distractions so that you are focused during class time.


Positive Behaviors Interventions and Behaviors (PBIS) Learning Coach Flyer

Select the download for an explanation of Learning Coaches Positive Behaviors Intervention and Support. Continue below for S.O.A.R.: Safe, On Task, Awesome Attitude, Responsible Table.

S.O.A.R.: Safe, On Task, Awesome Attitude, Responsible Table.

What is PBIS?

  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support
  • Recognizes student behaviors identified as those leading to student success.
  • Fosters a positive learning environment for all students and staff.
  • Acknowledging students for positive behaviors.


  • PBIS Rewards is an engaging program used to acknowledge GCA students for their SOARing behavior. 

    Teachers give students points for their positive behaviors. 

    In return, students are able to purchase classroom store items. 

    Be sure to download the PBIS Rewards Family App on your mobile device.

Ways to help your child SOAR with positive behavior!

  • Review SOAR expectations with your student.
  • Make sure your child is in attendance and ready for class everyday.
  • Encourage your child to be on camera and an active participant in class.
  • Use weekly to do lists to make sure assignments are completed by the due date.
  • Decrease distractions so that your child is able to SOAR during class instruction.