


English Learner Placement

WIDA™ Screener Placement TestThis is the state-required screening test for potential EL students. The WIDA™ Kindergarten Screener will be used for 2nd-semester Pre-K through 1st semester 1st grade. Students 1st grade second semester through 12th grade will take the WIDA™ Screener. Students who come from other counties or from WIDA™ sister states who have already been screened will not have to take this. All teachers will be trained to give this placement assessment and will assist in testing.

2nd semester Pre-K through 1st semester Kindergarten students whos oral proficiency levei is < 5.0 are eligible for ESOL services.

2nd Semester Kindergarteners and first Semester First graderswho’s overall composite proficiency level score is < 5.0 are eligible for ESOL services.

2nd semester First Graders to 12th Graders taking the WIDA™ screener that receive less than 5.0 are eligible for ESOL services.

ACCESS: WIDA™ English Language Proficiency Assessment

Every student identified as an EL will be administered an English language proficiency assessment annually; the ACCESS test will be given annually between January and February.

Any student who achieves a score on the annual English language proficiency assessment that is higher than the eligibility cut off score in listening, speaking, reading and writing established by the Department of Education shall be identified to determine if they should be transitioned to a fully English proficient student and placed in a regular classroom.

GaDOE State Flexibility allows students to be exited scoring 4.3 or higher.

GCA considers exiting students at the following scores:

 Kindergarten : >5.0

Grades 1 -2 : 4.6 - 4.9

Grades 3 - 8: 4.5 - 4.9

Grades 9-12: 4.4-4.9

A Reclassification Meeting must be held to decide if the student will be successful academically without the ESOL services.

A Reclassification Meeting must be held to decide if the student will be successful academically without the ESOL services.

Attending the ACCESS test is the student’s attendance for that school day. Not showing up for the ACCESS is an unexcused absence. Students that do not show up to their assigned ACCESS date will be rescheduled for four additional days. If a student doesn’t show up after five days, a truancy email will be sent to the parents. After 5 days of not taking the ACCESS test, students may be administratively withdrawn.

English Learners