


Special Education

child holding letter stencil

Special Education Services

The 1997 amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the more recent 2004 Individual with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) have mandated that every school district in the county develop a system to identify children with disabilities, from birth through age 21, who live within the district.

Georgia Cyber Academy will make a concerted effort to identify, locate and evaluate children who have a suspected or confirmed disability, in accordance with all federal regulations and state standards as required by Child Find. In addition, it shall be the policy of Georgia Cyber Academy that the child with a disability and his or her parents/ guardians shall be provided with procedural safeguards, as required by law, throughout the identification, evaluation and placement process and with a free and appropriate public education (FAPE).

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Child Find

Special Education Information REquest FormCompleting this survey does not place your student in special education. If your student has a current IEP or 504 Plan at GCA, or if you do not have any concerns related to special education, you do not need to complete the above survey.

Special Education Parents Rights

Veronica Williams

Veronica Williams

Assistant Director of Special Education Compliance
LaRenda Gilmer

LaRenda Gilmer

Special Education Enrollment and State Reporting Manager

LIFE: Learning Information with Functional Education

LIFE is an acronym for Learning Information with Functional Education. Our goal is to make sure your child is a contributing member of society one day, equipped to handle the real world. We do that by teaching life skills and by helping students celebrate their successes and grow their abilities. Your amazing hard work and dedication as a parent enables us to do our job. Thanks for all you do! We look forward to working with you and celebrating everything your child is, and everything he or she will become.


MTSS SST Point of Contact

My child is struggling in school. What are the first steps I should take to determine if they may need a special education evaluation?

Please contact the SST Coordinator at your child's grade level to discuss your concerns and learn the next steps in the evaluation process.

MTSS Contact List


Stephanie Watson

Stephanie Watson

MTSS Intervention Coordinator, K - 1st & Dyslexia K-12
Davki Amin

Davki Amin

Intervention Coordinator, 4th (I-Z) & 5th
Jasmine Johnson

Jasmine Johnson

MTSS Intervention Coordinator, 9th SST w/504 Plan
Whitney Smith

Whitney Smith

MTSS Intervention Coordinator, 2nd
Amy Thurmond

Amy Thurmond

MTSS Intervention Coordinator, 6th & 7th (A-L)
Karson Creamer

Karson Creamer

MTSS Intervention Coordinator, 9th SST only & 10-12th
April Smith

April Smith

MTSS Intervention Coordinator, 3rd & 4th (A-H)
Jennifer Turner

Jennifer Turner

MTSS Intervention Specialist, 7th (M-Z) & 8th
Natalie Chalker

Natalie Chalker

MTSS Supervisor, SST Supervisor K-12