


Work-Based Learning Program

GCA's Work-Based Learning Program is a structured experience that connects the student’s career goal and classroom learning with a productive work environment. Work-Based Learning provides students with opportunities for instruction not only in academics but also in occupational skills, career exploration, and guidance in identifying employment and educational goals. Students have the opportunity to connect what they learn in school with work-site application, enabling a smooth transition into the workforce and/or postsecondary education.  

Check out the rest of our website or contact one of our WBL Coordinators for more information!

Work-Based Learning Overview (05:16)


You can earn money, contribute to your economy, all while getting academic credit.  So what are you waiting for!?

– Amina Ross, Counseling & Student Support Services Director

Our Mission

The mission of the Work-Based Learning Program is to assist in providing a highly trained, technologically sophisticated and career oriented young workforce. This is accomplished by developing partnerships between business, industry, students, parents, school systems, coordinators, and post-secondary institutions which will lead the participating student into meaningful careers.

school logo

We are currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year! 

If you are a GCA student and would like to learn more about the WBL application process and participation requirements,  please click on the link above!

HB402 Explainer

WBL logo

Georgia Cyber Academy has students all over the state of Georgia! If you are a business owner and would like to learn more about the benefits of hiring Work Based Learning student, please click on the link above!

WBL Job Openings!!!

coming soon

What our students have to say about WBL:

Want to Know More???

Information about the Program please visit our Program Page Below.

Meet Our Team!

Questions about the program?

We'd love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact either of our WBL Coordinators for assistance, and they will respond to you as soon as possible!

Erica Butts

Erica Butts

Work Based Learning Coordinator
Tricia McCoy

Tricia McCoy

Work Based Learning Coordinator
Stacey Austin

Stacey Austin

Work-Based Learning Job Site Specialist
Ashley Collier

Ashley Collier

WBL Job Site Specialist, Middle to South Georgia
Jackson Dolar

Jackson Dolar

Work-Based Learning Job Site Specialist
School: 4043344790