In addition to the on-level college-preparatory courses that are offered, Georgia Cyber Academy also offers Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), and Dual Enrollment Courses.
Honors and AP-level courses have higher expectations and more rigorous coursework than the college preparatory level courses. Characteristics of an honors and AP students include: adequate ability level, a strong sense of responsibility, heightened motivation, and a desire to excel. The honors student should strive to maintain his or her position in the honors program. Honors Courses are denoted with an asterisk (*).
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Physical Science Honors*
Anatomy and Physiology
Human Anatomy and Physiology
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
Prerequisites: Biology, Environmental Science/Chemistry, and Physical Science/Physics
The human anatomy and physiology curriculum is designed to continue student investigations that began in grades K-8 and high school biology. This curriculum is extensively performance and laboratory based. It integrates the study of the structures and functions of the human body, however rather than focusing on distinct anatomical and physiological systems (respiratory, nervous, etc). Areas of study include organization of the body; protection, support and movement; providing internal coordination and regulation; processing and transporting; and reproduction, growth and development.
(SCI203 Biology)
Semester 1: 26.0120001
Semester 2: 26.0120002
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
This two-semester course introduces the principles and concepts of biology. Emphasis is on basic biological chemistry, cell structure and function, metabolism and energy transformation, genetics, classification, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate understanding of life at the molecular and cellular levels. Students are required to take the Biology Georgia Milestone End of Course Test and the EOC score will count as 20% of the overall course average. Students that fail to take the EOC will receive an incomplete and no credit for the course.
(SCI204 Honors Biology)
Semester 1: 26.0120041
Semester 2: 26.0120042
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
In addition to the general biology content, students will explore concepts at a greater depth and may participate in an honors project along with additional activities that will help develop a deeper understanding of the content in Honors Biology. Students are required to take the Biology Georgia Milestone End of Course Test and the EOC score will count as 20% of the overall course average. Students that fail to take the EOC will receive an incomplete and no credit for the course.
(SCI102 Physical Science)
Semester 1: 40.0110001
Semester 2: 40.0110002
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
This course is designed to develop scientific literacy, problem solving skills and an understanding of basic chemistry and physics that includes matter and energy. The goal of this course is to help students relate the physical and chemical behaviors of their environment. Students are required to take the Biology Georgia Milestone End of Course Test and the EOC score will count as 20% of the overall course average. Students that fail to take the EOC will receive an incomplete and no credit for the course.
Physical Science Honors*
(SCI303 Chemistry)
Semester 1: 40.0510001
Semester 2: 40.0510002
PREREQUISITE(S): Pre-algebra
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
This course covers the nature of matter and its classification, law of conservation of matter, modern atomic theory, the periodic table and properties of elements, kinetics, the kinetic-molecular theory, solutions, and acids and bases. Skills needed for this course are the ability to apply past learning to new concepts; the demonstration of abstract and higher-level thinking; the ability to perform algebraic manipulations easily, and the ability to read critically. Students will be required to apply chemistry concepts to word problems and complete multi step calculations.
(SCI304 Honors Chemistry)
Semester 1: 40.0510041
Semester 2: 40.0510042
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
In addition to the general chemistry content, students will explore concepts at a greater depth and may participate in an honors project along with additional activities that will help develop a deeper understanding of the content in Honors Chemistry.
(SCI403 Physics)
Semester 1: 40.0810001
Semester 2: 40.0810002
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
The Physics curriculum is designed to continue student investigations of the physical sciences that began in grades K-8 and provide students the necessary skills to be proficient in physics. This curriculum includes more abstract concepts such as interactions of matter and energy, velocity, acceleration, force, energy, momentum, and charge. This course introduces the students to the study of the correction to Newtonian physics given by quantum mechanics and relativity. Students investigate physics concepts through experience in virtual laboratories and home-based work using the processes of inquiry.
(SCI404 Honors Physics)
Semester 1: 40.0810041
Semester 2: 40.0810042
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
In addition to the general physics content honors assignments include debates, research papers, and extended virtual, independent and collaborative laboratories. The course gives a solid basis for moving on to more advanced college physics courses.
(SCI010 Environmental Science)
Semester 1: 26.0611001
Semester 2: 26.0611002
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
Environmental Science integrates the study of many components of our environment, including the flow of energy and the cyclin g of matter, the interconnection of all life, the stability and change in an ecosystem, conservation and resource allocation, and evaluation of human activity and technology, and environmental politics and legislation. Instruction focuses on student data collection and analysis and interpretation of data gathered on global concepts.
(SCI030 Forensic Science)
Semester 1: 40.0930001
Semester 2: 40.0930002
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
In this course students will learn the scientific protocols for analyzing a crime scene, how to use chemical and physical separation methods to isolate and identify materials, how to analyze biological evidence and the criminal use of tools, including impressions from firearms, tool marks, arson, and explosive evidence.
** The GCAHS Administration would like you to be aware that some content in the Forensic Science course may not be appropriate for all families. This class pertains to the study of past events, particularly as they relate to criminal activity and/or crime scenes. Since the focus is on past events and techniques used to investigate these e vents, some images and language could be graphic or offensive in nature- including the study of body decomposition and blood splatter. Also note that although this can be considered an elective, this course comes with a heavy workload.
(SCI500 AP Biology)
Semester 1: 26.0140051
Semester 2: 26.0140052
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
PREREQUISITE: Please refer to College Board-
AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore the following topics: evolution, cellular processes — energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions. Twenty-five percent of instructional time is devoted to hands-on laboratory work with an emphasis on inquiry-based investigations. Investigations require students to ask questions, make observations and predictions, design experiments, analyze data, and construct arguments in a collaborative setting, where they direct and monitor their progress.
The course is based on four Big Ideas, which encompass core scientific principles, theories, and processes that cut across traditional boundaries and provide a broad way of thinking about living organisms and biological systems.
The following are Big Ideas:
- The process of evolution explains the diversity and unity of life.
- Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.
- Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes.
- Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties. Students enrolled for biology credit are required to take the Biology Georgia Milestone End of Course Test and the EOC score will count as 20% of the overall course average. Students that fail to take the EOC will receive an incomplete and no credit for the course.
Moreover, all students enrolled in AP Classes are recommended to take the AP Examination in May if they are passing this course prior to the AP Examinations. With the assistance of the Advanced Learner Program Coordinator, Rebekah Cooper, students must secure their own testing site.
(SCI503 AP Environmental Science)
Semester 1: 26.0620051
Semester 2: 26.0620052
LENGTH OF COURSE: Yearlong (Semester A/Semester B)
PREREQUISITES: PREREQUISITE: Please refer to College Board-
The AP Environmental Science course is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester, introductory college course in environmental science, through which students engage with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. The course requires that students identify and analyze natural and hu man-made environmental problems, evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Environmental Science is interdisciplinary, embracing topics from geology, biology, environmental studies, environmental science, chemistry, and geography. Moreover, all students enrolled in AP classes are recommended to take the AP Examination in May if they are passing this course prior to the AP Examinations. With the assistance of the Advanced Learner Program Coordinator, Rebekah Cooper, students must secure their own testing site.
Science Curriculum
Leading Curriculum
FLVS Science offers a rigorous, robust K-12 digital curriculum to ensure students are college and career ready. FLVS courses are designed to provide a seamless learning experience within Canvas.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education Science provides engaging high-quality content, ready-to-use digital lessons, creative collaboration tools, and practical professional learning resources to give educators everything they need to facilitate instruction and create a lasting educational impact in any learning environment. This resource is accessible through Canvas.
Supplemental Resources
Brain POP
Brain POP is an essential engagement tool that allows both students and teachers to be involved in the learning process. Brain POP is an engaging learning online program designed with relevance, depth, and humor to encourage kids on their unique learning paths.
Moby Max
MobyMax provides personalized learning experiences through an adaptive curriculum. The site creates an individualized education plan for each student, allowing gifted students to progress as quickly as they like while simultaneously ensuring that remedial students get the extra instruction they need.
Newsela takes authentic content from the world's most trusted providers and turns it into learning materials that are classroom-ready. It provides a database of informational articles paired with assignments and activities for educators to use in their classrooms. The content within each piece of news can be adjusted to 5 different lexile levels, so the differentiation is built in to make the material accessible to all students.
IXL is personalized learning. With a comprehensive K-12 curriculum, individualized guidance, and real-time analytics, IXL meets the unique needs of each learner. IXL is an adaptive tool, so questions adjust to an appropriate level of difficulty to assess what students know and to provide next steps for academic growth.
USATestprep, LLC, a leading nationwide provider of state standards-aligned curriculum resources and assessments, has evolved into a comprehensive teaching platform for grades 3-12.
Flocabulary is a vocabulary focused engaging digital resource that using videos to introduce standard based Science content. With Flocabulary, every lesson is an opportunity to bring the curriculum to life and reinforce core knowledge and skills.