Career, Technical, Agricultural, Education
Today GCA, Tomorrow Careers
Georgia Cyber Academy’s Career Technical Agricultural Education (CTAE) Program offers innovative and cutting edge programs of study that prepare students for college and career and workforce readiness. These innovative programs of study are offered for Secondary, Middle, and Elementary grades students. Programs are structured through the offering of Career Pathways and are also delivered through collaboration with several Technical Colleges and Universities.
February is CTAE Month!
CTAE Month
CTAE Spirit Week
Job Shadow Field Trip
Georgia Safari Conservation Park
This event has limited space. Please pay now to hold your spot.
Go Wild with us
What is CTAE?
Career Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational skills to prepare students for post-secondary education and the workforce.
The state of Georgia has identified 17 Career Clusters that are structured to prepare students for Georgia's workforce. (GCA has 7 of those clusters and participates in an ongoing process to assess adding pathways) Georgia's 17 Career Cluster Model represents multiple pathways, which guides students to success for college preparation and career development.
The curriculum for each cluster is based on a set of common knowledge, skills and abilities which prepares students for various opportunities. These opportunities include but are not limited to:
- advanced curriculum
- dual enrollment
- Work-based Learning
- career awareness
- career development
- employability skills