


School Social Workers

Serving Georgia Cyber Academy’s diverse population requires experience, knowledge, and understanding of our students and their family's needs.  Our School Social Workers utilize these skills to provide consultation, training, and resources materials while facilitating and contributing to assessments and interventions with students and their families in the way that is most beneficial to them.  School Social Workers support students in academic, social, and life successes while acting as bridge between school, family, and the community. 

Programs & Initiatives

School Social Workers partner with School Counselors for homeroom lessons and themed awareness week programs including Red Ribbon Week, Cyberbullying Prevention, and Fire Prevention Week. Other initiatives include the Suicide Prevention Symposium and the Truancy Intervention and Prevention Initiative.  

School Social Workers also provide daily and weekly check-ins on students and families through referrals and teacher recommendations by visiting classrooms and/or conducting telephone sessions with students and caregivers. During these check-ins, School Social Workers address concerns around academics, home life, goals, and discuss mental/emotional blocks or other barriers.  These conversations explore behaviors and mindsets, are guided, and include prompts that encourage students to think about how their environment, support systems, and their own strengths can be used to help them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Parenting and Pregnancy Teen Support Group  

  • Grades K-5 Grief Support Group Hive (Honey & Hopes) 
  • Grades 6-8 Grief Support Group 
  • Grades 9-12 Grief Support Group (Riding the Wave) 
  • Special Education Grades 6-8 Parent Support 
  • Parenting Workshops/Training 
  • School Social Worker Lunch Bunch 

Contact your grade band’s School Social Workers for group registration links. 

Group Sessions

  • Parenting and Pregnancy Teen Support Group  
  • Grades K-5 Grief Support Group Hive (Honey & Hopes) 
  • Grades 6-8 Grief Support Group 
  • Grades 9-12 Grief Support Group (Riding the Wave) 
  • Special Education Grades 6-8 Parent Support 
  • Parenting Workshops/Training 
  • School Social Worker Lunch Bunch 

Contact your grade band’s School Social Workers for group registration links. 


School Social Worker referrals address crisis intervention, deaths in the family, suicidal ideation,  truancy, self-harm, domestic violence, student assessments, pregnancy/teen parenting,  goal setting, lack of basic needs, social-emotional/ mental health, barriers for at-risk  students, stress/ anxiety, health issues, domestic/family violence, MKV (displaced/  transitional), LGBTQIA+ spectrum, family conflict, runaways, foster care, military  families, parenting, and more.

GCA Social Workers

Zakiya Shareef-Givens

Zakiya Shareef-Givens

Social Worker, K-5/ POC
Creystal Fagbohun

Creystal Fagbohun

Social Worker, MGB 6-8
Mia Lewis

Mia Lewis

Social Worker, Transitional Students
Jasmine Louis

Jasmine Louis

School Social Worker - SGB Truancy

School Social Workers:

  • may conduct Home Visits on a case-by-case basis.
  • are mandated reporters and may also refer families to the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services if needed.
  • may request welfare checks through a student/family's local police/sheriff's department as needed.  

Parents of students who are truant may be subject to a truancy petition being filed with their local courts.  

GCA partners with the University of Georgia to host Master of Social Work students for their internships/practicum hours. Our interns assist with resource development, programs, co-leading groups, referral/case management, follow-ups with students and families

GCA SSW’s are ethically compelled to monitor and evaluate policies, the implementation of programs, and practice interventions (NASW) National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics). In addition to these services; we promote Social Justice, Dignity, and the worth of the person. Highlight the importance of human  relationships, Integrity, and Competence. Other Associations and Code of ethics are  School Social Work Association of Georgia, GA Office of Dispute Resolution, AFCC  (Association of Family and Conciliation Courts), GAWL (Georgia Association of Women in Law)

Find Help Georgia

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call or text 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, chat with them online via their website, or text HOME to 741741 (multiple languages available). If this is an emergency, call 911.

This database is provided by the State of Georgia and its partners to assist in accessing community resources. For more information, please view “Terms” on