Middle Grades 6-8 Counseling
Middle Grades Counselors
What is a school counselor?
School counselors are certified/licensed educators who improve student success for ALL students by implementing a comprehensive school counseling program. School counselors help all students: apply academic achievement strategies, manage emotions, apply interpersonal skills, and plan for postsecondary options (higher education, military, work force). (ASCA)
What can a school counselor help students with?
- Academic concerns
- Personal concerns
- Social concerns – Conflicts or issues with friends
- Questions about students’ schedules
- Information about colleges and careers
GCA Middle Grades School Counseling Program
GCA’s middle grades school counseling program will focus on supporting students in the areas of academic, social-emotional, career and college education. The goal of the program is to empower students with confidence, self-awareness, good relationships, and the social skills to be successful in every area of life.
GCA’s middle grades school counseling program will work with other school supports to provide preventive K-12 school wide initiatives such as the Red Ribbon Campaign, Anti-Bullying, child safety program, and Career Day. Activities will engage students to promote healthy decisions and personal - emotional growth opportunities.
Middle Grades School Counseling Services and Programs
- Core Curriculum Lessons
- Social Emotional Learning Lessons
- Teen Safety Program
- Small Groups
- Career Exploration
- Bridge Bill Activities
- Grade Level Transition Programs
- Mental Health Resources
- Grief Resources
- More School-Wide Activities