


Counseling Directory

< 1 4 5 6 showing 51 - 56 of 56 constituents
Albrey Sorrell

Albrey Sorrell

Social Work Student Intern
Derek Therrien

Derek Therrien

Counselor, 7th Grade Students
Counseling, 7th Grade, Grades 6-8 Counseling
DeNori Walton

DeNori Walton

Counseling Project & Event Coordinator
Counseling & Student Services Leadership
Derrick Westry

Derrick Westry

Counselor, 10-12 Students: Hus-Mas
Counseling, Grades 10-12 Counseling
Jay Wiley

Jay Wiley

Counseling, Grade 12: A-L
Counseling, Dual Enrollment
James Wright

James Wright

Graduation Coach: Lao-Nid
Graduation Coaching

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If you or someone you know is in crisis, call or text 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, chat with them online via their website, or text HOME to 741741 (multiple languages available). If this is an emergency, call 911.

This database is provided by the State of Georgia and its partners to assist in accessing community resources. For more information, please view “Terms” on