


Student to Teacher Ratio Policy

Student to Instructional Teacher Ratio*

The following defines the maximum number of students that an instructional teacher may be assigned in any single semester, including those students in their instructional classes and homeroom. This policy only applies to employees that have classes and instructional duties assigned to them. Instructional teachers will be subject specific in grades 3 through 12, when possible, meaning no teacher will be assigned classes in more than one subject area**. No teacher responsible for student instruction will be assigned administrative duties, including but not limited to, student/parent communications, grading, record keeping, reporting, data entry, data analysis and advising for more than the following number of students:

  • Kindergarten – 50 students
  • 1 st grade – 50 students
  • 2nd grade – 60 students
  • 3rd grade – 100 students
  • 4th grade – 125 students
  • 5th grade – 125 students
  • 6th grade – 175 Students
  • 7th grade – 175 students
  • 8th grade – 175 students
  • 9th grade Comp/Lit and American Literature courses – 175 students; all other High School level ELA courses – 200 students
  • Algebra 1 and Geometry courses – 175 students; all other High School level Math courses - 200 students
  • HS Physical Science and Biology courses – 175 students; all other High School level Science courses – 200 students
  • Economics and American History courses – 175 students; all other High School level Social Science courses – 200 students
  • High School level Foreign Language courses – 200 students All other High School elective courses – 250 students

*Full Implementation of this policy will be effective 2018-2019. For the 2017-2018 school year, this policy will be fully implemented for the 6th, 7th , and 8th grades as of the October FTE Count Date; a plan for partial implementation will be created for targeted High School courses/content areas and Elementary Grades within the confines of budgetary constraints.

**When enrollments dictate that teachers with multiple certifications cover more than one subject area, no more than two subjects will be taught by any one teacher and the subjects assigned to that teacher will encompass related concepts or skills, such as Math/Science/Technology or ELA/SS/Art. Additionally, for grades 3 through 8, the classes would be of the same grade level. In those instances where a teacher is assigned two classes/courses, the total number of students that are assigned to a teacher, regardless of the number of subjects or classes taught, cannot exceed the maximum limits set in this policy when the total numbers of students in the classes/courses are combined. For example, an 8th grade math class of 100 students and an 8th grade science class of 75 students is allowed as the maximum number of students does not exceed 175, they are of related subjects, and they are of the same grade level. In instances where the max number of students was reached, when combining the two classes, the teacher would not be able to be responsible for additional homeroom or other students if when combined with the students in their assigned classes the total number of students exceeded the ratio set forth in this policy.

Student to Instructional Teacher Ratio Policy