
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports

Program Summary

This section provides information about the function and purpose of the Response to Intervention (RTI) and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) program.

Georgia Department of Education

      According to the GADOE, Georgia’s Tiered System of Supports for Students (Georgia’s MTSS) is a framework that integrates assessment and intervention within a school-wide, multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavioral problems. In Georgia, a three-tiered prevention system in the general education classroom guides teachers and leaders to implement a strong and rigorous standards-based learning environment.

All students participate in general education learning. Students requiring interventions to meet individual learning expectations will receive support through a systematic and purposeful process called Response to Intervention or RTI. The number of students requiring interventions will decrease as the intensity of the intervention increases.

Goals of an MTSS System

  • For the school and staff to provide effective teaching that fits the needs of each student
  • For the school and staff to make sure the classroom environment is the best possible for every student
  • To help all students meet grade-level standards
  • To use student data to identify students who may be struggling
  • To add to general education instruction, not replace it with something different
  • To provide interventions as a natural, ongoing part of education that doesn’t wait until the student is struggling

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires evidence-based interventions and suggests that schools and districts implement a tiered support system. ESSA also allows state flexibility in using grant funds to implement an MTSS framework for literacy in kindergarten through grade 12 [Sec 2224(e)(4) ].

House Bill 740 requires local school systems to use a multi-tiered system of supports and reviews before expelling or assigning a preschool through third-grade student to out-of-school suspension for more than five consecutive or cumulative days during a school year. 

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Natalie Chalker

Natalie Chalker

MTSS Supervisor, SST Supervisor K-12
Elizabeth Fuqua

Elizabeth Fuqua

Assistant Director (Instruction)

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