Hospital Homebound Services
Hospital Homebound (HHB) services are designed to provide continuity of educational services between the classroom and home or hospital for students in Georgia public schools whose medical needs, either physical or psychiatric, do not allow them to attend school for a limited period. HHB instruction may supplement the classroom program for students with health impairments whose conditions may interfere with regular school attendance (e.g., students receiving dialysis or radiation/chemotherapy or students with other serious health conditions). Students must be enrolled in a public school in Georgia to receive HHB services.
HHB services are not intended to supplant regular school services and are, by design, temporary. The student must anticipate being absent for at least ten consecutive or intermittent school days due to a medical or psychiatric condition. The student’s inability to attend school for medical or psychiatric reasons must be certified by the licensed physician or licensed psychiatrist currently treating the student for the diagnosis presented. (Georgia Department of Education, 2016)
Standard Operating Procedures for STAFF Regarding Virtual HHB Services
- A parent/guardian or student contacts a GCA staff member to discuss the need for Virtual Hospital Homebound services due to circumstances leading to extended absence or a chronic qualified health condition.
- The staff member completes the Staff Referral for Student Support Survey immediately.
- The student must be anticipated to be absent from school for at least ten consecutive days or for intermittent periods anticipated to exceed ten school days during the school year. Chronic illnesses that require long-term intermittent absences may require students to miss many days, but not three consecutive days, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- The Inquiry Specialist will review surveys and forward information to the Hospital Homebound Supervisor, whose team will follow up with the parent/guardian and provide the parent with a copy of the Hospital Homebound application when appropriate. The Hospital Homebound Team will request that the completed application be received back at least seven days before the start of HHB services. All paperwork from the parent/physician should be received within 20 business days. The phone call and/or email will be documented in the IC PLP contact log.
- Virtual Hospital Homebound Application Packet
- Georgia Cyber Academy Initiation Letter
- Parent/Guardian Notice and Summary of Virtual Hospital Homebound Services
- Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement and Request for Virtual Hospital Homebound Services
- HHB HIPAA Release Form
- HHB Frequently Asked Questions
- The parent/guardian receives the Virtual Hospital Homebound referral packet and reviews the information.
- The parent/guardian, emancipated minor, or student 18 years or older should take the HHB application to the licensed physician or psychiatrist treating the student for the medical condition. The completed application must be returned to the Hospital Homebound Supervisor. An incomplete application may cause a delay in services. Only signed paperwork will be accepted as an application for Hospital Homebound Services.
- The Licensed Physician/Psychiatrist Statement and Medical Referral Form should be legible and completed. The licensed physician/psychiatrist should specifically state the nature of the illness, the projected length of absence (anticipated to be absent for ten or more school days), and the fact that the student is physically unable to participate in virtual school. It should indicate how many hours or minutes a student is medically viable to participate in school. A signature from a licensed physician/psychiatrist is required.
- The Hospital Homebound Supervisor or Coordinator will review the referral for completion. If the application is complete, within five days of receiving it, the Hospital Homebound Supervisor or Coordinator should schedule an ESP meeting with the parent. If the application is incomplete, the Hospital Homebound Coordinator should email the parent within five school days, notifying the parent of the deficiencies.
- The Hospital Homebound Supervisor or Coordinator will review the application to ensure that the student meets the minimal eligibility requirements and will schedule a meeting with the appropriate team members.
10. Students may ONLY be eligible for testing accommodations for district and state assessments if their Hospital Homebound packets are received within the last 30 days of school.
Hospital Homebound (HHB) Review Team
General Education Students
The team will develop an Educational Service Plan (ESP) and determine if a 504 plan is needed at the end of service.
- Hospital Homebound Supervisor
- Hospital Homebound Coordinator
- 504 School Level Coordinator
- Parent/Guardian
504 Program Students
The team will develop an Educational Service Plan (ESP) with a 504-consideration meeting.
- Hospital Homebound Supervisor
- Hospital Homebound Coordinator
- 504 School Level Coordinator
- Parent/Guardian
Special Education Program Students
Within five days, the team will schedule an amendment meeting and develop an Educational Service Plan (ESP) for each designated SE HHB student, which will be part of the student’s IEP.
- Hospital Homebound Supervisor
- Hospital Homebound Coordinator
- Special Education LEA
- Parent/Guardian
- Special Education Case Manager
- General Education Teacher
Education Service Plan
This plan must address the disabling condition, anticipated length of absence, accommodations and modifications recommended by the licensed physician or licensed psychiatrist, instructional delivery method, place of instruction, adult parent designee if the student is under 18 years of age, team members participating, and strategies for the student’s reentry to school upon his or her return.
The plan does not need to be lengthy but must give all parties enough information to serve the student’s needs adequately.
Georgia Cyber Academy can contact the doctor directly if the doctor does not address reentry on the medical referral form and a signed HIPAA release is on file. If such information is not provided, the school team can develop the reentry plan without the doctor's input.
The ESP shall identify the number of hours necessary to meet the student's instructional needs. At least three hours of weekly instruction must be provided to comply with the Georgia State Board of Education Rule 160-4-2-.31 Hospital/Homebound (HHB) Services and meet attendance requirements.
The ESP shall identify the appropriate course load for the student during the approved period of HHB instruction. Virtual HHB instruction is not structured to supplant the regular school day and may, therefore, limit the number and type of classes offered.
Additional Notes
- As described above, a team meeting must be convened to determine the needs of eligible students for Virtual Hospital Homebound Services.
- Students are not eligible for Virtual Hospital Homebound Services if their disease will endanger the health and safety of the instructor or other students with whom the instructor may come in contact. This would apply to in-person state testing.
- Students may receive HHB services for pregnancy if the pregnancy causes the student to meet the requirements for HHB services.
- Re-documentation of a chronic or recurring condition is not required but may be requested by the Hospital Homebound Supervisor.
- While receiving Virtual Hospital Homebound instruction, a student will be counted present for the week when a minimum of three hours of services are delivered within the week.
- Classroom teachers will provide recorded class sessions and assign students to appropriate reduced work in one of GCA’s online learning programs.
- GCA Teachers provide class recordings where parents can utilize Virtual Hospital Homebound Services.
- In addition to the Virtual Hospital Homebound recorded class instructional sessions, a Learning Coach must be present during each recorded or live instructional class period.
- The parent will notify the Hospital Homebound Supervisor when the student is ready to return to school. A re-entry Hospital Homebound Review Team meeting will be scheduled with appropriate stakeholders to discuss student needs.
- For students who are anticipated to be out of school for ten or more school days due to accidents, surgery, etc., it is not necessary to wait until they have missed ten days to apply.
- To enroll a student in this program, a parent/guardian acknowledgment and request for virtual hospital homebound services form and a signed copy of the HIPAA Release form are required. The treating physician completes the last portion of the referral.
Termination of Services
A student is released from the Hospital Homebound Services program:
a. When determined by the Hospital Homebound Review Team. The Hospital Homebound Review Team should reconvene to consider whether HHB services are still needed upon any of the following events:
b. When the student is employed in any capacity, goes on vacation, regularly participates in extracurricular activities, or is no longer confined to home.
c. If the student misses the completion of work for three HHB instructional sessions without providing documentation of extenuating circumstances, including medical documentation from the treating provider,
d. On the last day of school of the regular school year.
e. If the student withdraws or is properly withdrawn from GCA.