Student Records
Georgia Cyber Academy maintains records concerning all students enrolled. Records containing personally identifiable information about or related to students including those with disabilities could include, but are not limited to:
- Cumulative Grade Reports
- Notices of Recommended Assignment
- Assessment Reports
- Notices of Intent to Evaluate and/or Re-Evaluate
- Discipline Records
- Comprehensive Evaluation Reports
- Enrollment and Attendance Records
- Work Samples
- Health Records
- Test Data
- Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
- Correspondence between School Faculty/ Staff and Home
- Gifted Certifications
- Instructional Support Team (SST) Documents
- 504 Plans
- Referral Data
- Other Education Related Documents
Student records are maintained in the Georgia Cyber Academy District Office. Parents are encouraged to keep a copy of any records submitted to Georgia Cyber Academy. If parents/ legal guardians change their address, telephone number or email they are responsible for notifying Georgia Cyber Academy by notifying their Family Engagement Liaison immediately. Parents/ legal guardians are responsible for keeping their contact information current within their Infinite Campus account.
If a student transfers to another school from Georgia Cyber Academy, the new school should submit an official records request to Georgia Cyber Academy through our preferred secure electronic website
For Official Transcript Requests for Grades 9-11, guardians (if student is less than 18 years old) or students (if 18 or older) in grades 9-11 visit our Transcript Request page. To follow up on transcript requests please email the student's counselor.
For Official Transcript Requests for Seniors, guardians (if student is less than 18 years old) and seniors (if 18 or older) should request transcripts through their Xello Account.
Unofficial Transcript Requests for grades 9-12 can be accessed by logging into your Infinite Campus account, click “Documents” on the left panel, and then click “Unofficial Transcript”.
For student records requests, please visit our preferred secure electronic website To follow up on this request, please email