Coursework and Grading
Accessing Your Assignments
Submitting Your Assignments
Submitting Your Assignments
Save all assignments that are completed and submitted to your instructor, just in case. Always save a copy of what you submit either on a flash drive or on your computer’s hard drive. Also, students are provided with a Google account so that work may be saved to their Google Drive to be accessed on any device. If there are ever technical issues, you have the assignments ready to submit again if needed. If a problem arises during submission, email your teacher the assignment with a screenshot of what occurred. Otherwise, all assignments should be submitted within the course. All assignment due dates are set and communicated using Eastern Standard Time (EST). Any assignment received after the due date and time according to Eastern Standard Time will be considered late.
Grade Response Time
Grade Response Time
Please allow a turn-around time of 3-5 school days after submitting an assignment during the Fall and Spring semesters and one school day during the summer semester, although you will often receive your grade sooner. For major projects, teachers may indicate a longer turn-around time for grading. Teachers will notify students when additional time is required to assess assignments such as projects. Keep the turn-around time in mind when planning your schedule so you can turn in assignments and still allow time for feedback.
Our mission is to provide students with a flexible, high-quality, and interactive virtual learning environment. Student success will be measured by valid and reliable assessment data and continued institutional growth within the academic community. In the spirit of the student success measurement component, the following guidelines outline our mastery-based grading principles and expectations.
Grading Scales
- Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
- 3rd through 12th grade
- Gradebook Composition
- Late Work
- Extra Credit
- Secondary Grades (High School) Course Failure and Repeat Credit
- Grade Appeals
- Secondary Grades (High School) Grade Point Averages (GPA)
- Report Cards and Progress
Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
All academic subjects in Kindergarten and 1st grade are assessed based on student progress and mastery of the standards. Students receive a grade for engagement in each course, completion of required assessments, and mastery of each standard.
The following grading scale applies and reflects student mastery of each standard:
- 4 - Distinguished (only applicable to specific standards)
- 3 - Proficient (expected level of mastery)
- 2 - Developing
- 1 - Beginning
3rd through 12th grade
3rd through 12th grades
Final Grades are reported numerically based on the following scale:
- A = 90-100+
- B = 80-89
- C = 70-79
- F = 0-69
Grades at or above seventy percent (70%) are considered passing. Students taking high school courses will earn 0.5 credit for each semester grade at or above seventy percent (70%).
Gradebook Composition
Gradebook Composition
There must be at a minimum five (5) grades per semester in all sections of the grade book, except for the Final Exam section, which will have one (1) grade per semester. A project/ paper may be broken into up to five (5) sections for the extended coursework section.
- Mandatory Benchmark, Growth, and Summative Assessment Participation grades shall be either 0% or 100%, based on whether the exam was taken or not AND within the time period allowed.
- Students may earn over 100% on any assignment, test or benchmark with extra credit.
- A student’s overall cumulative average grade may be over 100% in a grade level’s subject area.
- A student’s overall cumulative grade earned in any subject/ course will be reflected on their report card and transcript and accurately reported in Infinite Campus to the second decimal place.
Gradebook Category | Description | PGB (1-2) Percentages |
Coursework |
Standards Based Grading: 1 - Beginning Learner 2 - Developing Learner 3 - Proficient Learner 4 - Distinguished Learner N/A - Not Yet Assessed Standards Grades will be entered throughout the year as standards are assessed in each course. At the end of the year, the overall final grade will be converted to a final grade of P (Pass) or F (Fail) |
35% |
Assessments | 25% | |
Extended Coursework & Standards Mastery | 10% | |
Reinforcement Assignments | 20% | |
Class Engagement Compliance | 5% | |
Assessment Participation | 5% | |
Final Exam or HS EOC | N/A | |
TOTAL | 100% |
Gradebook Category | Description | EGB (3-5) Percentages |
Coursework | Discussions, curriculum lessons, quizzes/ checkpoints, etc. | 50% |
Assessments | Unit Tests, Teacher-created Assessments, NWEA MAP, IAs, Beacon, NWEA Reading Fluency, Exams, Write Score etc., Midterm Exams | 50% |
EOG/Final Exam |
EOG/Final Exam |
5%* (Q4) |
TOTAL | 100% |
*EOG percentages count in the content course for which they correlate.
Gradebook Category | Description | MGB (6-8) Percentages |
Coursework | Discussions, curriculum lessons, quizzes/ checkpoints, etc. | 50% |
Assessments | Unit Tests, Teacher-created Assessments, NWEA MAP, IAs, Beacon, NWEA Reading Fluency, Exams, Write Score etc., Midterm Exams | 50% |
EOG/Final Exam |
EOG/Final Exam |
5%* (Q4) |
TOTAL | 100% |
*EOG percentages count in the content course for which they correlate.
Gradebook Category | Description | EGB (3-5) Percentages |
Coursework | Discussions, curriculum lessons, quizzes/ checkpoints, etc. | 50% |
Assessments | Unit Tests, Teacher-created Assessments, NWEA MAP, IAs, Beacon, NWEA Reading Fluency, Exams, Write Score etc., Midterm Exams | 40% |
EOG/Final Exam |
EOG/Final Exam |
10%* (Q4) |
TOTAL | 100% |
*EOC percentages count in the content course for which they correlate.
Gradebook Category | Description | AIM Classes Grades (K-8) Percentages | AIM Intervention (Study Skills Elective) (9-12) |
Coursework | Discussions, curriculum lessons, quizzes/ checkpoints, etc. | 80% | 50% |
Class Engagement Compliance | Student is adhering to their class engagement requirements-rubric | N/A | 50% |
Assessment Participation | Pre-Test, NWEA MAP, Interim Assessments, Milestones, iReady Diagnostics, NWEA Reading Fluency, WriteScore, Beacon, WIDA Screener, GAA, ELLs 2.0, etc. These assessments and any others assigned by a teacher are mandatory. This section gives credit for participation. | 10% | N/A |
Final Exam or HS EOC | Final Exam or HS EOC | 10% | N/A |
TOTAL | 100% | 100% |
*EOG and EOC percentages count in the content course for which they correlate.
Late Work
Late Work
At Georgia Cyber Academy students are responsible for accessing and completing daily assignments, as outlined in each course calendar. Due dates for assignments are posted in each course calendar to ensure that students are informed of appropriate pacing. All coursework/assignments must be completed and submitted no later than the assigned time OR by 11:59 pm EST on the posted due date if no specific time is denoted by the teacher.
- Temporary zeroes are entered as grades for each assignment not submitted by the due date. The temporary zeroes will be calculated into the overall course scores for assignments that remain unsubmitted during the allotted late work policy window.
- SY24-25 Late Policy *Edit* All students are permitted to complete all coursework (excluding assessments) up to seven (7) days after the due date (including weekends) for partial credit. Assignments received after the actual due date WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION, but within the granted grace period, will be graded and then receive an additional 5% deduction taken for each day past the original assignment due date with a minimum grade of 50%. The new grade will replace the zero in the grade book.
- Coursework received more than seven (7) days after the due date will not be accepted for grades, unless prior arrangements have been requested. Permanent zeroes will be entered as grades for these assignments and for assignments not received by the permanent zero deadline.
- IMPORTANT NOTE regarding assessments – NWEA MAP, Interim Assessments, Unit Tests, WriteScore, final exams, and other assessments as determined by the school must be completed within the class period(s) scheduled. Extended time will be followed. In some cases, it may be appropriate for assessments to be given early if a student completes work at a faster pace than their assigned class.
Due date extensions on assignments may be permitted under some extenuating circumstances with advance approval from school administration. Extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to, conflicting student work schedules (Counseling AND Principal approval required), hospitalizations, debilitating illness, conflicting medical treatments, new parenting responsibilities (Counseling AND Principal approval required), APPROVED travel (Superintendent approval required), conflicting academic competitions.
For students with Individualized Education (IEP) or 504 Plans, the plan accommodations and requirements regarding extended time will be followed.
Extra Credit
Secondary Grades (High School) Course Failure and Repeat Credit
Secondary Grades (High School) Course Failure and Repeat Credit
Failed courses will be recorded as an ‘F’ and/or with the failing numerical grade on the student’s transcript and a zero-quality point will be computed for the course in determining the GPA. Students are permitted to retake failed courses. Courses required for graduation must be re-taken and passed. If a student retakes a course, the initial failing grade and the subsequent repeated grade will appear on a student’s transcript and both grades will be factored into the student’s overall GPA.
Grade Appeals
Grade Appeals
Course Grade appeals must be submitted in writing to the school principal within thirty (30) days of the term end date. Upon receipt of the appeal, the school principal will lead a review internally among faculty, staff and administration.
A grade appeal may only be disputed for the following reasons:
- The grade was issued in error. This includes situations where there was a miscalculation of grade points that resulted in a lower grade for the appeal. The student must clearly demonstrate the miscalculation. It also includes situations such as missing records, mistaken grade entries, etc.
- The student’s documentation that he or she previously received a higher grade on a similar assignment at the same level of competency.
- At least ten (10) business days are required for the principal and his/ her team to review a grade appeal request and issue an official decision. Appeal requests are permitted once per student, per term and all decisions are considered final
Secondary Grades (High School) Grade Point Averages (GPA)
Secondary Grades (High School) Grade Point Averages (GPA)
For secondary grades students, GPAs are determined by adding the total number of semester grades earned and dividing by the number of semester courses taken. Semester averages will be depicted on the transcript as well. Earned grades greater than 100% will also be depicted on the high school transcript as what the student earned. The cumulative GPA is determined by adding all semester grades earned and dividing by the number of semester courses taken. Courses taken outside of Georgia Cyber Academy are not included in the GPA if not taken at an accredited school. High school courses taken while in middle school are included in the GPA and are shown on the transcript unless the Learning Coach has opted out of this option.
Report Cards and Progress
Report Cards and Progress
One of the many features available to students and parents/ learning coaches is a current report of academic progress, grades, and attendance information. A parent/ learning coach or student may monitor student current progress grades within each course gradebook, unless otherwise directed. A report card will be issued at the end of each semester and will be available in Infinite Campus. Report cards should be retrieved through Infinite Campus and will not be mailed to the student’s home. If you need assistance with your Infinite Campus account, please contact your Family Engagement Liaison.