2nd Grade
Second grade is a special, transitional time for many children. While they're growing stronger at processing information, they're also starting to care more about what people think of them. Some children may become more self-critical and less confident in their abilities. Second graders also become aware of the dynamics of a peer group. They want to belong and don't like being singled out. Most children transition into second grade just fine, but some parents may feel their child needs a different environment. The program for second grade at Georgia Cyber Academy helps young learners navigate potentially turbulent times while helping them succeed academically.
Our personalized learning program lets second graders in Georgia learn at home or wherever the internet is available. The parent, or another responsible adult, gets to play an important role as their student's Learning Coach, and provides critical, daily support. Our dedicated state-certified teachers provide instruction in a safe online environment, and your child will engage with exciting, interactive online curriculum. Plus, you and your child will have opportunities to take part in field trips and activities across the state so you can meet teachers and other Georgia Cyber Academy families in your area.