Primary Grades K-2
How it Works
Primary Grades K-2
We partner parents and students with a certified teacher to guide and track their progress and achievement through the curriculum. Students participate in teacher-led, direct instruction in the virtual classroom. Students are also provided with a schedule which outlines daily online lessons to complete, virtual class sessions to attend, and other graded assignments to complete. Students in K-2 require a high level of daily Learning Coach support and guidance.
Student-to-student interaction is emphasized, too, so GCA students are provided with a variety of opportunities for in-person social activities and engagement including opportunities for in-person community partner events.
Who is this intended for?
GCA Primary Grades serves students in grades K, 1, and 2 who reside within the state of Georgia.
What is the schedule like?
Our school day begins at 8:00 am and ends at 1:45 pm. Each day is broken into 3 instructional blocks that are 90 minutes long. Time for independent work, breaks, and completion of assignments is built into each class. All Primary students have lunch from 11:15-12:15.
While each student's schedule will vary due to individual needs, all Primary students attend classes during the same 3 instructional blocks from 8:00 - 9:30, 9:45 - 11:15, and 12:15 - 1:45. Classes include live instruction in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Health and Art.
Time for independent work, breaks, and completion of assignments is built into each class. Students needing additional support will be invited to attend support or enrichment sessions during the remaining periods as necessary.
What are the costs?
Because we are part of the public school system, GCA is tuition-free. Enrolled families receive a complete, full-time curriculum, school computer, and school printer, and other materials based on grade level. Common household items and office supplies like printer ink and paper are not provided.
How do I get started?
See our Enrollment page for more information.