


Title I Meetings

Annual Title I Meeting

The purpose of this meeting is to provide our Parents, Learning Coaches, and stakeholders with information about our Title I Program and your right to be involved in your child's education.

Items and documents such as the District Wide/School Wide Plan, Title I Funding (including 1% set-aside for parent and family engagement activities), Parent and Family Engagement Policy, School Compacts, and Family Engagement Staff and Parent Trainings are reviewed.

CLIP Family Input Meeting

Georgia Cyber Academy invites our families and stakeholders to participate in developing a Consolidated LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP).

The CLIP integrates requirements for planning across all Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) programs and Georgia's Professional Learning Program, and it eliminates the need for LEAs to submit separate plans for these individual programs. The CLIP has five major components:

  1. District Comprehensive Needs Assessment
  2. District Improvement Plan
  3. District Parent and Family Engagement Policy
  4. Migrant Identification and Recruitment Plan
  5. Foster Care Transportation Plan.

The CLIP must be approved annually by the state in order for our schools to receive funding from these state and federal programs.

If you need additional information, contact GCA's Federal Programs Director, Lucretia Nolan at

Title I End of Year Review & Input Parent Meeting

Please join us as we review our Title I Program and its effectiveness for the current school year. We will provide the opportunity for feedback on how we can improve our documents and programming.  

We will review items and documents such as the District Wide/School Wide Plan, Title I Funding (including 1% set-aside for parent and family engagement activities), Parent and Family Engagement Policy, School Compacts, and Family Engagement Staff Trainings.  


Georgia Cyber Academy values our Parents' and Learning Coaches' involvement in our school. You can contact our Title Programs Coordinator or Family Engagement Coordinators to provide feedback on our Title I Program at any time during the school year.

Parent Meetings Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday, December 1
Monday, December 2
Tuesday, December 3
English Literacy
Wednesday, December 4
Thursday, December 5
Saturday, December 7
Sunday, December 8
Monday, December 9
Tuesday, December 10
Wednesday, December 11
Thursday, December 12
Saturday, December 14
Sunday, December 15
Monday, December 16
Tuesday, December 17
Wednesday, December 18
Thursday, December 19
Saturday, December 21
Sunday, December 22
Monday, December 23
Tuesday, December 24
Wednesday, December 25
Thursday, December 26
Saturday, December 28
Sunday, December 29
Monday, December 30
Tuesday, December 31
Wednesday, January 1
Thursday, January 2
Saturday, January 4

Calendar & Category Legend:

  • District Parent Calendar


Grades K-5

Veronica Okpani

Veronica Okpani

Family-School Partnership Coordinator

Grades 6-8

Sonya Welch

Sonya Welch

Family-School Partnership Coordinator

Grades 9-12

Jennifer Lansing

Jennifer Lansing

Family-School Partnership Coordinator, Special Programs

Service and Leadership

Michelle Gilyard

Michelle Gilyard

Family-School Partnership Coordinator, Leadership and Service


Thank you for your collaboration in building an effective parent-school partnership for the continuous improvement of our school.

– GCA Family Engagement

photo of family engagement coordinators with school mascot