


4. Required Questions

4.1 Stakeholders, Coordination of Activities, Serving Children, and PQ

4.2 PQ, Federally Identified Schools, CTAE, Discipline

4.3 Title I A: Transitions, TA Schools, Instructional Program

4.4 Title I Part C

4.5 IDEA

IDEA Performance Goals:

4.6 Title IV Part A

Title IV, Part A – Activities and Programming LEAs must provide a description of each activity/program to be implemented during the fiscal year of allocation and as identified in the District Improvement Plan by focus area and include program objectives/goals/outcomes. (ESSA Sec. 4106)

Describe how and when the LEA will consult any stakeholders/community-based partners in the systematic progress monitoring of Title IV, Part A supported activities for the purposes of implementation improvement and effectiveness measurements.

100% transfer of FY25 Title IV, Part A funds

4.7 Reducing Equity Gaps

Reflect on the previous year’s LEA Equity Action Plan

4.8 Overarching Needs for Private Schools

In this section, summarize the identified needs that will be addressed with FY22 federal funds for private schools Include results from ongoing consultation with private schools receiving services from the LEA's federal grants (ESSA Sec. 1117 and 8501; 20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(10)(A)(iii); and 34 C.F.R. §300.134). Information is available on the State Ombudsman website. (Add "No Participating Private Schools" as applicable.)

Title I, Part A N/A - GCA does not participate with private schools.
Title II, Part A N/A - GCA does not participate with private schools.
Title III, Part A N/A - GCA does not participate with private schools.
Title IV, Part A N/A - GCA does not participate with private schools.
Title IV, Part B N/A - GCA does not participate with private schools.
Title I, Part C N/A - GCA does not participate with private schools.
IDEA 611 and 619 N/A - GCA does not participate with private schools.