


Federal Program EdFlex Waiver

Important information: 

Federal Program edFlex Waiver Submission Notice

We are pursuing the following waivers from the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) for the 2023-2024 school year:

  • Waiver of Title I, Part A Limitation on Carryover – ESSA Section 1127(a) (unspent Title I, Part A FY2023 funds and ESSERIII-ARP funds carried over to FY2024 If approved, this waiver would allow all unspent Title I, Part A  and ESSERIII-ARP funds from school year 2022-2023 to return to the school district this year.

After reviewing these waiver requests, please complete this survey with any feedback or direct questions to

Lucretia Nolan
Director of Federal Programs and Grants

Julie Ferrer

Julie Ferrer

Federal Programs Director