


Title I Program

Title I is a program that provides federal funds through the Georgia Department of Education to local educational agencies (LEAs) and public schools with high numbers or percentages of children in poverty to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards.

Georgia Cyber Academy (GCA) is a School Wide Title I school. The goal of the schoolwide Title I program is to improve the entire educational program in a Title I school, which would result in improving the academic achievement of ALL students, particularly the lowest-achieving students.

We DO NOT have the designation status of Priority, Focus, or Title I Alert.

Additional information about the Title I Program can be found on the Georgia Department of Education’s website.

Georgia Cyber Academy values our parents' and Learning Coaches' involvement in our school. We appreciate your collaboration in building an effective family-school partnership for the continuous improvement of our school.

Annual LEA Report Card

In Georgia, the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) prepares Georgia’s State, LEA, and School Annual Report Cards and posts them on their website.  In 2019, GOSA created a unique URL link for each LEA and each LEA’s schools to assist in meeting this ESEA requirement. 

Georgia Cyber Academy Report Card (2020-21)

Georgia Cyber Academy Report Card (2020-21) - Spanish

Title I Funds

The U.S. Department of Education provides federal Title I funds through the Georgia Department of Education, to local educational agencies (LEAs), and public schools with high percentages of economic need to help ensure that all children meet and/or exceed State academic content and student academic achievement standards.

Georgia Cyber Academy is a Title I district utilizing a schoolwide program which uses Title I funds to support the educational programs of the school. Students and teachers receive benefits from federal funding that help support academic achievement. Consistent with section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), GCA will put into operation programs, activities, and procedures for parent and family involvement which will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents and families. GCA works on the improvement of the Parent and Family Engagement Program through continuing education, collaborations, and trainings with the Georgia Department of Education.

Filing Formal Complaints Under ESSA Programs

every student succeeds act (essa)

ARP Feedback Review

Julie Ferrer

Julie Ferrer

Federal Programs Director

Family Engagement

Title I Documents

Veronica Okpani

Veronica Okpani

Family-School Partnership Coordinator
Michelle Gilyard

Michelle Gilyard

Family-School Partnership Coordinator, Leadership and Service
Sonya Welch

Sonya Welch

Family-School Partnership Coordinator
Jennifer Lansing

Jennifer Lansing

Family-School Partnership Coordinator, Special Programs