


Parent Volunteers

If you are interested in sharing your gifts and talents with your school community, we have a place for you! 

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Ready to volunteer?  Complete the Volunteer Interest Form.


Email: Michelle Gilyard,

Parent leadership is successfully achieved when parents and educational professionals build effective partnerships and share responsibilities, expertise, and leadership in decisions being made that affect student success, families, and communities. GCA parents and learning coaches have many opportunities to participate in this program including regional volunteer opportunities, GCA PTSO committees, academic student support, state-wide testing, and more.

The Parent Volunteer Program is a way to involve parents in the experiences of their children and to take an active interest in student success. The Volunteer Program also helps increase community engagement and academic achievement.

Background Checks

Volunteers who will have unsupervised contact with students are required have a Georgia
criminal history record completed prior to volunteering. The level of volunteerism will determine
the type of background check required.

Volunteers are grouped into three levels:

Level 1: volunteers are non-district personnel who will have no direct interaction with students

Level 2: volunteers are non-district personnel who will have direct interaction with students with other adults present at all times.  School personnel will obtain a copy of the volunteer's State Issued ID and process it through the State and National Sex Offender Registry ID scan program Raptor for all Level 2 volunteers.

Level 3: volunteers are non-district personnel who will have direct, unsupervised interaction with
students. Level 3 volunteers must be fingerprinted by the district and have GBI/FBI criminal
background checks on file before service.

Please Note: If you do not have a state-issued ID you cannot be a Level 2 or Level 3 volunteer.

Please contact Michelle Gilyard for more information.