Compulsory School Attendance
In order to address truancy and attendance, Georgia state law (HB 1190) requires that communities and schools work together to address truancy.
The goals are to ensure coordination and cooperation among officials, agencies, and programs involved in compulsory attendance issues, to reduce the number of unexcused absences from school and to increase the percentage of students who take tests required under state law.
More information can be found on the Georgia Department of Education’s website.
As a public charter school, Georgia Cyber Academy is required to monitor student attendance in accordance with all applicable statutes and State Board of Education rules. Georgia Cyber Academy teachers and administrators monitor student attendance regularly. All Georgia Cyber Academy students must be legal residents of the state of Georgia and provide proof of residence at the time of enrollment and re-enrollment.
More information can be found in the District Handbook.
More Information
Student Attendance Protocol Committee website
Georgia Compulsory Attendance Law: O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690.1