5 Tips for Success
1. Check Nucleus Daily
- The Username is your Primary email address
- The Password is Gca!(oldest child's Student ID)
- 6 unexcused missed class sessions = 1 unexcused day
Need Help with Nucleus? Visit:
2. Upload Notes to nucleus within 3 days!
- Click on the three bars on the left-hand side
- Click "Upload Document"
- Click on your student's name
- Document Category: Absence
- Document Type: (Pick which one applies)
- Click the Blue "Choose File" and upload
- Click the Blue "Submit" button and you should see a Green Check with "Upload Complete"
3. Notes We Accept
* for review and possible excusal
- Doctor's note
- Parent sick note
- Technology notes
- Power company note
- Internet provider note
- SCA Ticket Numbers
4. How Do Class and Nucleus Work?
- Go to Canvas first and then Class every day!
- Access Class from Today's Live Classes Button.
- Never save/bookmark the link to Class.
- Your student's attendance in live Class sessions is automatically updated to Nucleus.
- You do not need to add time for live class attendance.
- Adding additional work time in Nucleus will not take the place of missing a required live class session.
- Students must stay for the entire live class session in Class to be counted for attendance.
5. Be a H.E.R.O
H.E.R.O. stands for Here, Engaged, Ready, Online and is an Attendance Incentive Program that awards students with perfect attendance. Students with perfect attendance will receive an Attendance Certificate each month and an opportunity for prizes at the end of each semester.