PTSO News: Parent-Teacher-Student Organization
Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser
The GCA PTSO Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser, supporting our CTSO’s and CTAE department, is underway and will run through December 13, 2024. Order your popcorn today:Order now for popcorn!
Little Caesars Pizza Kits Fundraiser: Remember you can buy Little Caesars E-Coupons for only $26.00, give them as gifts, or use them for your favorite sports parties. The campaign ends on December 13, 2024. GET YOUR PIZZA TODAY!!!!
PTSO TeeChip Spirit Wear Sale starts Dec. 26, 2024, and ends Jan. 06, 2024, PTSO members will receive the link to the sale. Not a member yet? CLICK HERE to obtain your membership.
Volunteers are needed to support GCA PTSO Facebook pages.
Would you like to volunteer and currently use social media?
The PTSO is looking for Facebook page moderators. Duties include ensuring members on the GCA Family internal page are following the member rules like being kind, and not selling merchandise. We would also like you to have engagement activities/polls/joke of the week. Items that would engage other GCA families who are members of the Regional Facebook Group. Be sure to select the option to be a Facebook page moderator
Facebook moderator formWant to see how the regions are divided, use this link to see the 12 Facebook page Regions by County
GCA PTSO Fundraising
GCA PTSO Coach Cafe Session Recording and Presentation
Did you miss this delicious session? Sarah Klegin one of our fabulous Family Engagement Liaison, provided some great tips and tricks on making a scrumptious charcuterie board.
Check out this Video and Presentation from the session.
The GCA Fundraiser ends 09/20/2024, it’s your last week to sell items and win prizes. Our goal is to raise $20,000.00 for Parent, Teacher, and Student activities that aren't funded by the school. Register your account with a NON-GCA computer using your personal email.
Weekend challenge!! Every student that sells two or more items over the weekend will go into a drawing for an Amazon gift card!
> Watch this video for more details on how the program works and how to register
It's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
1. Register at
2. Share custom student support links with family & friends.
3. Student Goal: 5 Online Supporters.
You pick the GCA teacher of your choice when filling out the registration form.
REGISTER-SHARE-WIN: Sharing earns you COINS for chances to win over $100,000 in instant prizes as well as a Disney Family vacation!
12 GCA Students have already won a free dozen of Krispy Kreme Donuts
24 GCA Students have won at least one of the prizes below.
- Sell 10 items and win a Chick-fil-A gift card!
- Sell 20 items and win an Amazon gift card!
- Sell 40 items and win a Target gift card!
- Sell 100 items and win season tickets to SIX FLAGS!