Grades K-2 PGB News
- August 30 - A Message from Principal Bailey: September Edition
- August 23 - Check out how your student can win PBIS points and understand iReady results
- August 16 - See What's Coming Soon... Curriculum Night, Enhanced Learning Day, and Social Studies Fair Info
- August 9 - Let's S.O.A.R and Save the Date
- August 2 - A message from Principal Bailey: Welcome Back Primary Families!
- July 26 - Welcome to School GCA K-2nd Champs!
August 30 - A Message from Principal Bailey: September Edition
August 23 - Check out how your student can win PBIS points and understand iReady results
Attend with your Primary Grades teachers and staff at our virtual Curriculum Night to WIN 100 PBIS points!
At Curriculum Night we will:
- Review the academic standards and assessments
- Learn how to monitor your student's progress
- Learn how to your improve student achievement.
Download the PGB Curriculum Night Flyer above to access the links to the grade level Class room.
A Message from Principal Bailey
Hello Primary Families! I am so proud of our students and their diligence in taking the iReady Diagnostic assessment. Thank you for your assistance and support with this. This test helps us to see your student’s individual progress. All students will take this assessment again in November and then one final time in March. You will be so excited to see their growth throughout the school year!
The iReady Diagnostic is an important growth measure, and it also provides personalized learning for your student as they work in their iReady MyPath. Your teachers will provide time during class for students to work on their MyPath. Students are also encouraged to work on their MyPath outside of class by accessing it through Clever. MyPath knows what your student needs additional practice and reinforcement in so that they can be successful in mastering grade-level standards. It is an awesome tool! We have seen terrific growth from students who consistently work in MyPath.
Teachers will be meeting with students to have an individual conference and discussion about their iReady goals. Please encourage your student and talk about goals at home as well!
iReady Resources
Upcoming Important Dates...
- On August 28th we will have our first ELD of the school year. You will not have your regularly scheduled live classes. Please be sure to login to Canvas as this is still a school day. Attendance will be taken through your Canvas login.
- Social Studies Fair - Project Due September 23rd
August 16 - See What's Coming Soon... Curriculum Night, Enhanced Learning Day, and Social Studies Fair Info
Join Primary Grades teachers and staff at our virtual Curriculum Night where you can:
- Review the academic standards and assessments
- Learn how to monitor your student's progress
- Learn how to your improve student achievement.
Attendees have a chance to WIN PBIS points!
Enhanced Learning Day - August 28th!
On August 28 we will have our first ELD of the school year. You will not have your regularly scheduled live classes. Please be sure to login to Canvas as this is still a school day. Attendance will be taken through your Canvas login.
Use this ELD to finish up any outstanding assignments in your modules, get extra practice in your Clever platforms, or work in your iReady MyPath. This is also a great time to work on your Social Studies and Science Fair projects. Your teachers will host an Open Office from 8:00 - 9:00. You will see this optional session on your calendar. Students and Learning Coaches are encouraged to attend to get help with anything you need. Please let your homeroom teacher know if you have any questions regarding ELD.
Social Studies Fair - Project Due September 23rd
The Social Studies Fair is a wonderful opportunity for your student to immerse themselves in learning about a grade level topic in a new and fun way!
Please visit the Social Studies Fair module in your student's Social Studies Course in Canvas for even more wonderful resources regarding this project!
August 9 - Let's S.O.A.R and Save the Date
Hello Primary Families! We are incredibly proud of our K-2 Champions! How have you SOARed this week? Do you remember our SOAR acronym and what each letter means?
Here are some of the ways I have seen students SOARing in classes:
- Trying your best on the iReady diagnostic
- Turning cameras on and using microphones
- Taking turns speaking and following your teacher’s directions
- Greeting each other and meeting new classmates
Wow, way to go Primary Champions!
Save the Date! PGB Curriculum Night August 27, 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Learning Coaches, please mark your calendar for Primary Curriculum Night. Your teachers will present information and tips to help you have a successful school year. This is a virtual event. Additional information will be shared soon.
AIM Parents and Students
AIM Orientation for Kindergarten - 2nd: August 12th at 5:00 pm
Keep an eye out for an invitation to our AIM Orientation! The AIM Orientation is a targeted session for our students and families supported by the AIM (Academic Interventions Monitoring Program) this year.
If your student qualified for AIM, please join us to learn more about the class requirements and expectation, and how we'll be working to help your student close academic gaps this school year.
Georgia Cyber Academy (GCA) supports the academic achievement of all students, particularly those most at-risk through the Response to Intervention (RTI) / Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) with programs like AIM. Learn more about RTI/MTSS.
August 2 - A message from Principal Bailey: Welcome Back Primary Families!
A Note from Principal Bailey
Hello and Happy Friday Primary Friends! We are off to a great start! I enjoyed visiting many classes this week. I have seen all of our students on camera and participating! I am very proud of you and excited for a great year together. 😀
24-25 Camera Expectations - New GCA Policy
You may have heard that GCA students are now required to attend daily classes with their camera on and their face visible to their teachers. Live class participation and engagement support student achievement and are essential to learning! Please view this information in the GCA District Student and Parent Handbook under the Live Interactive Class Sessions Engagement Guidelines drop out.
iReady Testing Next Week
Primary Learning Coaches - Next week students will take the iReady Diagnostic test in classes. They will follow their normal schedule with some testing during class. There is no grade given for this test. It is simply to provide a starting point for your student. The iReady Diagnostic lets us know where your student is starting from and what they need to learn next. It helps us to measure student growth and goals that are individualized and unique to your student! We know that each of our students will GROW this year! 📈
Here is some information from iReady that explains this assessment: The iReady Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit your student’s instructional priorities. Each item a student sees is individualized based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions.
- iReady Family Center
- iReady Video: Watch this video with your student to help them understand the i-Ready Diagnostic and prepare them for assessing at home!
Learning Coaches: It is very important that you DO NOT assist your student at all with this assessment as it will skew the results. This test provides students with additional practice and lessons based on their results. Students should complete without any LC help so that they get accurate results and individualized lessons based on their needs. Please do not help your student to read or provide hints. If you help with difficult questions, the test will continue to increase in difficulty. It is not expected that students will have mastered all questions that are on this assessment. Let your child know that it is okay if they aren’t sure. They should take their best guess to select an answer.
Students who already took the iReady Diagnostic during pre-admission testing will be provided with an alternate activity. AIM students will take this assessment with their AIM teacher. Please let your teacher know if you have any additional questions regarding iReady.
Thank you for your partnership and for choosing GCA!
Mrs. Ingrid Bailey
GCA Primary K-2 Principal
Meet the Teacher Recordings
Meet the Teacher Sessions can be accessed in the Homeroom Course
- Click on Class
- Click on Recordings
- Play the Meet Your Teachers session (If you do not see a recording, contact your homeroom teacher.)
AIM Orientation for K-2: August 12th at 5:00 pm
The AIM Team will be hosting AIM Parent Orientations for parents of Students receiving Academic Interventions Monitoring (AIM) during the month of August. Invitations will be sent to AIM Families within the next week!
Please plan on joining us to learn more about the AIM Program and how we will support your AIM student this year!
Georgia Cyber Academy (GCA) supports the academic achievement of all students, particularly those most at-risk through the Response to Intervention (RTI) / Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) with programs like AIM. Learn more about RTI/MTSS.