A Message from Principal Mullinax
Your Elementary Grades teachers and staff are so proud of our students and their diligence in taking the iReady Diagnostic assessment. Thank you Learning Coaches for ensuring that your student completed this independently. We appreciate your support as this test helps us to see your student's individual strengths, needs, & progress throughout the year.
The iReady Diagnostic is an important growth measure, and it also provides personalized learning for your student as they work in their iReady MyPath. Your teachers will provide time during class for students to work on their MyPath. Students are also encouraged to work on their MyPath outside of class by accessing it through Clever. MyPath knows what your student needs additional practice and reinforcement in so that they can be successful in mastering grade-level standards. It is an awesome tool! We have seen terrific growth from students who consistently work in MyPath.
Teachers will be meeting with students to have an individual conference and discussion about their iReady goals. Please encourage your student and talk about goals at home as well!
All students will take this assessment again in November and then one final time in March. You will be so excited to see their growth throughout the school year!