




Free Online

24/7 online tutoring in 300+ subjects.

Tutor Me

What is TutorMe?

TutorMe is an online tutoring platform that allows students to connect with a live tutor right from their home. TutorMe’s network of over 10,000 verified tutors are ready to help with any academic question, no matter how big or small.

How to Access

  1. Log into Clever
  2. Find the TutorMe icon under "District Apps".

TutorMe Services

  • Connect with a live tutor in under 30 seconds
  • Submit paper for review (<12 hour turnaround time)

How to...

Best Practices for Students

  • Be specific: Identify a specific assignment or topic that you needs help with
  • Come prepared: Upload lesson materials or share screens, so the tutor can work directly with the material provided by the instructor
  • Give feedback: Students and tutors have the chance to review one another after a lesson, providing valuable feedback
  • Favorite tutors: Students can ‘favorite’ a tutor they have liked working with, which helps the system to match student and tutor most effectively.

Student Conduct

Please be reminded that all aspects of the GCA Student and Family Handbook apply to our students' use of the TutorMe services.  In particular, GCA's student behavior guidelines and code of conduct extend to our students' TutorMe interactions and sessions. The Student Code of Conduct and Student Behavior Guidelines can be found on pages 60 through 62 of the Student and Parent Handbook.  The Student Dress Code beginning on page 65 and the Virtual Classroom Behavior section beginning on page 66 of the Student and Parent Handbook should also be reviewed prior to using the TutorMe services.  

Students acting in a disrespectful manner, using inappropriate language, dressing inappropriately, or attempting to use the TutorMe services to cheat on assignments and tests will result in disciplinary action, including the possible discontinuation of access to this optional after school academic support service. Depending on the severity of the infraction, please be advised that access to the TutorMe platform may be blocked permanently and without warning for students acting in an inappropriate and/or unethical manner.


Average Time to Connect:

30 sec.

Tutors Available in all Subject areas:


Writing Lab Turnaround Time

< 12 hours