



We can't wait to bring school to you!

child holding a sign %22Virtual School is Right for Me!%22

Why GCA is the right choice

Georgia Cyber Academy offers the benefits of a brick and mortar school...right for you right from home.

Students access lessons and live classes online. Parents and students are partnered with certified teachers who instruct and guide student progress and achievement.  In the online classroom, students participate in real-time, direct instruction from their teachers. During the school day, parents provide support and guidance to their student. Georgia Cyber Academy is a 100% tuition-free, online, accredited, Georgia public charter school for students in grades K-12.

right for you? find out...

What is an Online Public School?An online public school is a tuition-free public charter school that operates in an online environment.  A public charter school has the flexibility to be innovative, but is also held accountable for student and operational performance.  Charter schools must be secular, have fair and open enrollment procedures and are required to serve all student populations, including those with disabilities and English language learners.

As an autonomous public charter school, we have the ability to establish our own curriculum and learning approach, in alignment with state guidelines. 

In our online environment, we partner parents and students with certified teachers to guide and track their progress and achievement through the curriculum.  Students participate in teacher-led, direct instruction in the virtual classroom.  A school laptop for each student and school printer for each household are provided upon request.  

Students at GCA attend school online using our robust learning management system (LMS).  Our LMS empowers students to manage their academic life, giving them the ability to:

  • access their courses
  • manage their course schedule
  • access supplemental tools and resources
  • interact with teachers and peers
  • take assessments
  • review grades

Learn more about how it works.

Learn more about our program.

Frequently Asked Questions


We're here to help you through the process.  Visit our Enrollment FAQs or contact or call (470) 400-7887

Enrollment FAQs

Required Enrollment Documents


We're all committed as a team to making sure our children are prepared for whatever goal they set for themselves.

– Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment Director, Dr. Ahoba Arthur

The following students are eligible to enroll at any time during the school year:

  • students who are experiencing homelessness 
  • migrant students
  • students who are currently in foster care
  • students of GCA staff, faculty, or board members

(All students that are eligible may require further review for approval for enrollment)

If your student meets any of the above criteria, please call 470.400.7887  between 9am and 4pm on regular school days.



Complete this form and we will be in touch!
Please select the grade(s) your student(s) will be entering for the upcoming school year.required
First Name
Last Name
10-digit number (no dashes or spaces)
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