* Required

AP Exam Deposit Form

This deposit is only required if a student will test at the GCA office. The deposit will be refunded via check after the student tests in May. Just choosing to take the test in AP Classroom is not adequate for signing up to take the test. A student must also pay the deposit.

For classes that begin in the Fall Semester, the deadline to choose to test and to pay the deposit is October 25, 2024. For classes that begin in the Spring Semester, the deadline to choose to test and to pay the deposit is February 28, 2025.

Important: It is 100% the student’s responsibility if he or she chooses to test at a local school (including test fee and scheduling with the school) instead of testing at the GCA office.

Please provide your @georgiacyber.org email address​​

AP Exam Selection


Each AP Exam requires a $31 deposit (i.e one exam costs $31, two exams cost $62, etc.).

After submitting this form, you will be redirected to the link for payment which is processed through PayPal. You will need to select the PayPal payment link to access PayPal. Please note: your order will not be processed unless the full payment amount is received.