


Infectious Disease Policy

Georgia Cyber Academy Governing Board Infectious Disease Policy

Adopted On: 8/29/2019

Last Reviewed On: 8/29/2019

Last Updated On: 9/3/2019

The Board of GCA adopts the following policy, effective on the date of adoption by the Board. 

SECTION 1. Purpose of Policy 

SECTION 1.1. The Governing Board intends to ensure that no individual has potentially harmful exposure to infection or diseases. 

SECTION 2. Definitions. 

SECTION 2.1. Communicable disease: a disease that can be directly or indirectly transmitted from one person to another. 

SECTION 2.2. HIV infection: an infection in which the human immuno-deficiency virus is present. SECTION 3. Protections 

SECTION 3.1. No student shall be denied access to nor shall an otherwise qualified individual be denied employment in the educational programs of the School solely because he or she is infected with a communicable disease. 

SECTION 3.2. A student or employee who is infected with a communicable disease will remain in his or her educational or employment setting unless he or she presents a significant risk of contagion as determined by the School after consultation with the student’s or employee’s physician, public health official knowledgeable about the disease if in the judgment of the Principal it is necessary to consult a private physician. 

SECTION 4. Prevention of Transmission 

SECTION 4.1. Each year, the Principal shall provide educational opportunities and review of this policy for all employees to become informed concerning transmissions of communicable disease and HIV infection. 

SECTION 4.1.1. Education and policy review shall include procedures to reduce the risk of transmitting HIV infection as well as other communicable diseases, including precautions to be taken in handling bodily fluids and blood whenever necessary. Handling blood and body fluids shall be in a manner consistent with the Center for Disease Control's Universal Precautions for Handling Blood and Body Fluids. 

SECTION 5. Identification of Potential Risks 

SECTION 5.1. Whether or not an infected individual presents a significant risk of contagion shall be determined based upon reasonable medical judgment given the state of medical knowledge about: 

  • The nature of the risk; i.e., how long the disease is transmitted; 

  • The duration of the risk; i.e., how long the carrier is infectious; 

  • The severity of the risk; i.e., the degree of potential harm to third parties; and 

  • The probability that the disease will be transmitted and will cause varying degrees of harm. 

SECTION 5.1. Once the student's or employee's medical condition has been determined, the (Principal or other title) shall consult with the student's or employee's physician, a public health official knowledgeable about the disease. 

SECTION 5.2. If an accommodation that does not impose undue financial hardship or administrative burdens can be made, then neither student nor employee shall be denied the right to participate in School programs or to be employed by the School. 

SECTION 5.3. In order that the Head of School may have time to obtain a reasonable medical judgment concerning the student or employee who is infected by a contagious disease, the Principal is authorized to remove the infected student or employee from School programs or employment for a period not to exceed ten days during which time the School shall make a decision as to whether the student or employee can be accommodated and does not pose a significant risk to others. 

SECTION 5.4. The student or employee shall be excluded only if the Head of School determines after consultation as provided above that the communicable disease is of such nature or at a stage that the individual should not be in an educational setting. 

SECTION 6. Privacy Rights 

SECTION 6.1. Neither the School nor its employees shall disclose medical information about a student or employee with HIV infection or other communicable disease without the consent of the employee or the student or his or her parent or guardian, whichever is applicable, or only as required by law or court order.